Artist Registration


Step 1. Personal Information

Please insert your personal information, that will help us to contact you in case of a sale.
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① The nationality you enter will be displayed on your profile, under your name.
② Please input the address from where you will be shipping your artwork after the sale.
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After you have filled out all necessary information at this step you will be asked to proceed to Step 2: Artist Information.

Step 2. Artist Information

Please insert your artist information, it will be displayed on your profile on our website.
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① The name can be your artistic alias or your real name. It can be inserted in your native language.
② Please insert this name in the Latin alphabet (in case your language uses a different alphabet).
③ Profile image can be any picture you believe is appropriate for your profile. It can show you, your artwork, the logo of your atelier, or anything that you believe represents you the best.
④ The Representative Artwork should show a full image of your artwork, without any background or margin. There should only be one artwork shown, and it doesn’t have to be available for sale.
Images showing the artist standing with or next to the artwork will not be accepted.
💡 Frequently asked question
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① The Statement will be published on your artist page top.
Please describe your vision or concept as an artist and your characteristic technique in an easy way for your fans to understand. It is recommended to write in the third person narrative within 2000 characters.
② The Biography will also be published on your page.
We recommend that you include a chronological list of your exhibitions, awards, and other artist histories, starting with the most recent and working down, max. 2000 characters.
※ Statements and biographies should be easy to read and as appealing as possible to art fans.
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① Please make sure to insert only the user name, as shown on the image.
② & ③ Please make sure to skip the “@” mark when inserting the user name.
When you have finished filling out all the necessary information, don’t forget to click “Completed”.

Frequently Asked Questions