  • Who arrange the shipping?
    • We, TRiCERA arrange the shipping via DHL. However, if DHL isn’t available for your shipping address, you have to arrange the shipping.
  • If the customer requests to return the artwork
    • Regarding our return policy, please refer to Article 8. (Sales method), Section 10 of our terms & conditions.
  • Is it possible to receive payment immediately after the work is shipped?
    • The payment is due at the end of the following month from the date of shipment.
  • Who will cover the postage?
    • If you paid the postage in advance, we will pay it back with the payment for the sold item.
  • Is there any warranty in case of damage during shipping?
    • We will cover that case if the package meets our packaging standards.
  • Do artists need to issue the certification of authenticity?
    • It is not required by us, but if available, please enclose it with the work when you pack it.
    • We will issue the customer blockchain certificate.
    • It may be required for the custom clearance in some countries.
  • What if the purchased artwork is not in stock?
    • Even if you do not have it, please be sure to contact us within 2 days of your purchase. We will suggest another piece to the customer, so please update your other listings on our site. If you have another work that is not yet listed, please send us a picture of the work and a detailed description of the work (price, size, medium, etc.).
  • Invoice amount?
    • If you ship the sold item to Japan, we will set it as your commission rate of the sales price.