
FAQ - Register Product

Q: In what language should I enter the title of the work? A: Please enter the information in English.
Q: What is a Representative Artwork image? A: This is an image of your most representative artwork, that shows your style and technique in the best light. It doesn’t need to be available for sale.
Q: What should I include in my artwork image? A: Please enter detailed images of your work, such as the picture of the artwork from different angles, the back of it, and the image of the signature, if there is any.
Q: What should I put in the number of items in stock for the original artwork? A: For original paintings, please enter 1, and for prints, enter the number of prints available for sale.
Q: What should I put in the edition? A: For prints, please enter the number of prints available for sale. When selling, we ask that you keep track of and contact us by serial number (e.g. 12/50).
Q: What kind of information should I include in the artwork description? A: Please include a description of the background and technique used to create the work. We recommend 200-500 characters.
Q: What should I do if I can’t find a specific medium applicable? A: Please select "Other" at the bottom of the Tag- Medium section.
Q: If there are multiple mediums, what should I select? A: Please select the medium used with the highest percentage.
Q: Can I select more than one tag field? A: You can select more than one.
Q: If there is no corresponding material in the Material column, what should I select? A: Please select "Mixed Media".
Q: What should I choose if there is nothing exactly applicable in the "Motif" column? A: Please select one that is as close as possible to your motif.
Q: What should I do if I don't know the weight of my artwork? A: Please find a way to measure the weight of your artwork, as the weight input became compulsory in September 2022.
Q: What should I put if I don't know the year of production? A: This information will be included in the blockchain-type certificate (COA) that we issue. We recommend that you enter the year of production as accurately as possible, but if you are unsure, please enter the approximate year.
Q: What is a caption? A: A caption is an item that indicates whether the work is an original painting or a print. If it is an original work, please select Original artwork. If it is digital art/multiples please choose either Open Edition or Limited Edition
Q: Is there a recommended browser? A: The recommended browser for the website is Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. The website is not guaranteed to work on any other browser.
Q: The system is too slow so I cannot upload my work. A: Please change the browser to Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Opera. Also, please clear your browser's cache before uploading again. Please contact support@tricera.co.jp in case the problem continues.
Q: I register my work but it’s not up on the website. What should I do? A: Our curators will check all registered artworks and they will be uploaded once checked. Please note that it may take up to 2-3 business days for an artwork to be approved and shown on our website.
Q: I have logged in, but all I can see on my page is just the Dashboard. How can I proceed to register an artwork? A: All the tabs are hidden in the avatar picture in the upper right corner. After you click it, you will see all the functions, like registering artwork, editing your profile, etc.
Q: I have registered my artwork, but it is in “Unapproved” status, what should I do? A: Please check, if all the necessary information is entered correctly and if the images are uploaded. Please remember to press the Finish button at the end.
Q: My artwork was sold on another platform/offline/etc. What should I do now? A: As soon as your artwork was sold on another platform/offline, please change its Stock to 0 (zero). You can do so, in two ways: ① by going to your Artist MyPage → Artwork List → the sold artwork → edit (pencil mark on the right side) → Stock: 0                     ② by going to your Artist MyPage → Artwork List → Action tab → Stock Management → Sold Out After you do so, the artwork will be marked as Sold Out on our website. 
Q: I would like to change my registered email address/login A: It is not possible to change it from the Artist MyPage. Please contact us at support@tricera.co.jp
Q: I have uploaded the images, but the system says there are none attached, what do I do wrong? A: After you attach the images, please make sure that you click the green “Upload files” button on the left side of the window. Only that way the system will recognize that the images are uploaded.
Q: Can I add a link to my own website? A: You can add the link to your own website only in your Biography or Concept. Or you can add it just like you would add the link to your social media account.
Q: How can I change the country shown on my profile? A: The country shown on your profile, under your profile picture is the country you chose as your nationality. In order to change it, you would need to provide us with proof of permanent residence or that you have lived there for at least 5 years.
Q: How can I delete my profile? A: It is not possible to delete your profile from the level of Artist MyPage. Only we can do it in our system. Please contact us directly at support@tricera.co.jp