9.Register Artwork

9.Register Artwork

Please register each artwork separately.

STEP 1 Sensitive Check

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In Step 1, please check if your artwork includes Nudity, Violence, or Political content.

STEP 2 Input Basic Info

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Title should be eye-catching and attractive to the viewers. The limit is 500 characters, but we recommend shorter titles.
The description should describe the source of inspiration, motif, and materials the artwork was made of. Please mention also the technique and the background of the artwork.
The limit is 3000 characters, however, we recommend a length of approx. 200 to 500 characters.
② There are minimum and maximum price limitations:
JPY: ¥10,000 or higher and ¥10,000,000 or lower.
USD: $77 or higher and $75,000 or lower.
EUR: €77 or higher and €75,000 or lower.
③ Select "Panel or Canvas attached to wooden frame" if your artwork is on a panel or wooden frame with a canvas attached.
If your artwork has no panel or wooden frame, but only a roll, please select "Roll Only".
④ Insert the size of your artwork either in centimeters or inches.
⑤ Input the weight of your artwork before packing
TRiCERA Only - if the artwork is selling online only at TRiCERA, please place a checkmark.
If the artwork is also exhibited offline (such as in a gallery) but online selling only at TRiCERA, you can also place a checkmark.

STEP 3 Input Detail info

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① Is your artwork signed? Where is the signature?
Please choose the tag-signature according to the sign on your artwork.
② Is your artwork framed? What kind of frame is it?
Please choose the tag-frame according to the framing of your artwork.
③ Is your artwork an original piece? Or is it a series?
In case you register digital art/multiples please remember to choose either Open Edition or Limited Edition.
In the case of Limited Edition, please input the total number of editions in the series.
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④ How many pieces of your artwork do you have in stock?
In the case of Original Artwork, it is possible to choose only 0 or 1.
In the case of Open Edition or Limited Edition, choose the number of copies you have available for sale.
You can also register an artwork that is already sold out, in that case, please input Stock as 0.

STEP 4 Add Tag

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① Choose the material your artwork is made of.
If you choose “Other” in Tag-Support, please make sure to choose Tag-Material.
If there is no tag that matches your artwork, please choose “Mixed Media”.
② Tag-Motif and Tag-Color are obligatory, please make sure to choose a motif and color that are shown on your artwork, that way when filtering artworks on our website, your artwork will show up in the right category.
Tag-Style and tag-Technique are not obligatory, however, choosing them will make your artwork stand out more and appear in the correct categories.

STEP 5 Add Images

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Please upload:
  • Main artwork image - the top left image in the image selection area, the image should show only the artwork, without any background or margin.
  • Artwork pictures from different angles
  • Artwork picture with details of the artwork
  • Artwork picture with the signature, if it exists
  • Artwork picture of the back of the artwork
The images should show only one artwork, there should be no pictures showing multiple artworks.
It is possible to create a series of artworks after they are all approved (please check the Series Registration below).
The first image is used on the TRiCERA website for the following purposes
  • Thumbnails for the list of works, etc.
  • Image of your artwork hanging on the wall
The pictures limitations:
  • Up to 10MB
  • The available data type is png, jpg, jpeg
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*Please be careful to always click the “Upload X files” before clicking the “Finished” button.
Image of your artwork hanging on the wall
When you choose the “Image of your artwork on the wall” option, this is how it will be presented on our website:
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: In what language should I enter the title of the work? A: Please enter the information in English.
Q: What should I include in my artwork image? A: Please enter detailed images of your work, such as the picture of the artwork from different angles, the back of it, and the image of the signature, if there is any.
Q: What is a caption? A: A caption is an item that indicates whether the work is an original painting or a print. If it is an original work, please select Original artwork. If it is digital art/multiples please choose either Open Edition or Limited Edition
Q: What should I put in the number of items in stock for the original artwork? A: For original paintings, please enter 1, and for prints, enter the number of prints available for sale.
Q: What should I put in the edition? A: For prints, please enter the number of prints available for sale. When selling, we ask that you keep track of and contact us by serial number (e.g. 12/50).
Q: What kind of information should I include in the artwork description? A: Please include a description of the background and technique used to create the work. We recommend 200-500 characters.
Q: What should I do if I can’t find a specific medium applicable? A: Please select "Other" at the bottom of the Tag- Medium section.
Q: If there are multiple mediums, what should I select? A: Please select the medium used with the highest percentage.
Q: Can I select more than one tag field? A: You can select more than one.
Q: If there is no corresponding material in the Material column, what should I select? A: Please select "Mixed Media".
Q: What should I choose if there is nothing exactly applicable in the "Motif" column? A: Please select one that is as close as possible to your motif.
Q: What should I do if I don't know the weight of my artwork? A: Please find a way to measure the weight of your artwork, as the weight input became compulsory in September 2022.
Q: The system is too slow so I cannot upload my work. A: Please change the browser to Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Opera. Also, please clear your browser's cache before uploading again. Please contact support@tricera.co.jp in case the problem continues.
Q: I have uploaded the images, but the system says there are none attached, what do I do wrong? A: After you attach the images, please make sure that you click the green “Upload files” button on the left side of the window. Only that way the system will recognize that the images are uploaded.