3.How should I write my CONCEPT and BIOGRAPHY?

3.How should I write my CONCEPT and BIOGRAPHY?



Please write a brief description of your history and your career as an artist.
It should be written in the THIRD PERSON(XXX is 〜).
It should include information such as:
・your artist name
・where and how you work on your art
・how you are evaluated and described by others
・what inspires you
・how did your style evolve
“XXXX is an abstract painter from Argentina. His acrylic paintings are influenced by the natural world which captures the energy and the dynamism that exists in nature. His paintings are filled with energy, joy, and freedom.


Please write a brief description of your history and your career as an artist.
It should include information such as:
・your academic background
・solo/group exhibitions
・projects/art fairs/workshops
・media information
◯ Personal History
1985 Born in XX
2008 Graduated from XX Art University, majored in oil painting
2012 Moved to XX
◯ Exhibition
2020 XX exhibition / XX gallery/city, country
2017 XX solo exhibition XX /XX museum/city, country
◯ Art Projects / Art Fairs
2021 XX Art Fair / XX gallery/city, country
2019 XX Art Project / XX Art Group/city, country
2008 XX Workshop / XX Museum/city, country
◯ Grants and Awards
2010 Grand Prix/ XX Art Award
2009 XX Grants / XX Group