7.Artist Info

7.Artist Info

This is the Artist Info page.
Here you can add and edit your artist information, such as your name, images, Concept, Biography, social media links, and more.
Read more about how to write the Concept and Biography in the chapter
notion image
notion image
Don’t forget to click the “Save” button after you finish inserting information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between the Profile Image and the Representative Artwork? A: The Profile Image should represent you as an artist, so it can show you, your artwork or your logo if you have it. We recommend uploading an image of you as it gives a more personal vibe, although it is not obligatory. The Representative Artwork should be a picture of an artwork you are most proud of or that represents you the best. The image should show only the artwork without any background or margin. It will be placed next to the Concept at the top of your page.
Q: Where will the Concept be published and what should I write? A: The Concept will be published on your artist page top, next to your Representative Artwork image. Please describe your vision or concept as an artist and your characteristic technique in an easy way for your fans to understand. It is recommended to write in the third person narrative within 2000 characters.
Q: Where will the Biography be published and what should I write? A: The Biography will be published at the bottom of your page, under the registered artworks. We recommend that you include a chronological list of your exhibitions, awards, and other achievements, but also a bit of your personal history, where you are from or where did you study (if relevant). The Biography should be maximum of 2000 characters.
Q: I have uploaded a link to my social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), but when I check it from my profile on the TRiCERA website, it doesn’t work. Why doesn’t it work? A: Please check if you have inserted the links exactly as shown in the instruction images. Please don’t paste the whole links of your social media accounts, instead please check which part of the link is necessary to paste on our website.